The Local & Global Team continue to keep an eye on recycling issues and the work of Climate Action Menston. There is also up-to-date information about local recycling on the Bradford Council website.
Coins & Currency
We will now accept your unwanted coins and currency which will raise funds for the RNIB. There is a collecting box on the windowsill in the church foyer - one side for stamps and one side for currency. The following will be accepted:
- Old British currency
- All foreign banknotes, not matter how old.
- All foreign coins.
- Gibraltar, Ise of Man, Hersey & Guernsey currency.
Empty Blister Packs
We regret that we are no longer collecting empty blister packs due to the difficulty in disposing of bulk quantities of them.
Ink Cartridges
We are still collecting ink jet cartridges. There is a box for these on the window sill in the corridor by the side door from the carpark. Unfortunately, we are unable to take Epson and Kodak cartridges as these are ink tank rather than ink jet. We also cannot take cartridges which have been previously refilled. All proceeds will go to the Britsh Red Cross.
You are now able to gift unwanted jewellery (including broken and costume jewellery) to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society. Any donations can be put in the bin on the window sill in the corridor by the side door from the carpark or, alternatively, given to Charlotte or Jalna.
Used stamps are collected for Christian Aid and RNIB. Please put in the box on the windowsill in the church foyer (one side for stamps and one side for currency).