Friday Live is for 13 to 17 year olds which complements our existing Friday Club which is aimed at 7 to 13 year olds. Friday Live is held monthly at 7.30pm (changed from 8pm), usually on the last Friday of the month following Friday Club. It is a very informal evening based around food, fun, friendship, and discussions about faith and other topics of concern to teenagers. The sessions are led by Jo, our lay pastor, Michael, Children's, Youth & Families worker at Christchurch, Ilkley, and Fi, Children's & Youth Worker at Burley Methodist Church.
Friday Live is open to all - not just members of Menston Methodist Church. For further information and to register interest please contact Jo on 07870 700713 or email
Next Live : Friday 28 March 2025 : 7.30pm to 9pm